Produkt Merkmale
Maotai-Likör ist ein traditioneller chinesischer Likör. Es ist einer der drei berühmten destillierten Weine der Welt, mit dem gleichen Ruf wie schottischer Whisky und französischer Cognac Brandy. Es ist auch einer der drei berühmten Weine „Maotai, Wuliangye, Jiannanchun“ in China. Es ist auch der Ursprung von Daqu Maotai-Aroma-Likör, der mehr als 800 Jahre alt ist. Der Stil und die Qualität von Maotai-Likör in der Provinz Guizhou zeichnen sich durch hervorragenden Saucengeschmack, Eleganz und Delikatesse, einen ausgereiften Körper, einen langen Nachgeschmack und einen anhaltenden Duft in leeren Bechern aus. Sein besonderer Stil beruht auf den einzigartigen traditionellen Brautechniken, die im Laufe der Jahre gebildet wurden.
Maotai-Likör ist nach der Stadt Maotai benannt, die am Ufer des Chishui-Flusses in Zunyi liegt. Das Fabrikgelände befindet sich am Oberlauf des Chishui-Flusses, wo das Wasser von guter Qualität, weich und reich an Spurenelementen ist, und es ist unverschmutzt. Der mit diesem süßlich schmeckenden Wasser, das keine gelösten Verunreinigungen enthält, destillierte und gebraute Alkohol ist besonders wohlschmeckend. Daher lobte der Dichter der Qing-Dynastie den Chishui-Fluss mit den Versen „Vereint die geisterhafte Quelle in einem Körper, sammelt das schöne Wasser, das nach Osten fließt“. Die Stadt Maotai verfügt auch über eine sehr besondere natürliche Umgebung und klimatische Bedingungen. Sie liegt in einem Becken, dem tiefsten Punkt des Guizhou-Plateaus, mit einer Höhe von nur 440 Metern, fern von den Hochplateau-Luftströmungen, ständig umhüllt von dichtem Nebel. Diese besonderen klimatischen, Wasser- und Bodenbedingungen sind sehr günstig für die Fermentation und Reifung der Spirituosen. Wenn man diese besonderen klimatischen Bedingungen verlässt, könnten einige der aromatischen Bestandteile im Alkohol überhaupt nicht entstehen, und das Aroma des Alkohols wäre unvollständig.
Moutai Feitian
Moutai Feitian Liquor is a fragrant and delicious liquor. It is like a fusion of the spiritual power of the meeting of mountains and streams, containing the best essence of nature. It is like the ancestor of Chinese liquor, the cornerstone of Chinese liquor. It is characterized by a strong aroma, elegant, mature taste, tangy aroma and a long aftertaste. He was crowned as the most popular liquor in China, so he is also known as the Chinese spirit.

Moutai Prince
Moutai Prince Liquor is made of high-quality glutinous sorghum, wheat and water as raw materials, and is carefully brewed, stored and blended by the traditional Daqu sauce-flavor liquor without adding any aroma and aroma substances. It has an elegant sauce aroma, full-bodied, mellow and harmonious. The aftertaste is long, and the empty cup lasts for a long time.
Made with the same process and with the same raw materials as the Moutai Feitian, through a shorter distillation period, Moutai Prince is a fresher, lighter and more delicate variant of Moutai. With its fresh and sweet aroma of apple and pear, Prince is smooth in flavor while retaining the complexity of its big brother.
Kweichow Moutai “Chinese Zodiac”
Kweichow Moutai Zodiac Liquor is a Moutai main brand liquor jointly created by Moutai Liquor Company Limited and Mr. Huang Yongyu, the giant of Zodiac design. The product is designed to create a combination of the national liquor Moutai, the national art master and the Chinese Zodiac culture by inviting the master artist to draw the twelve Chinese Zodiac patterns on the Moutai bottle, which is a noble drinking wine, high-end collector's wine and high-grade gift wine that is sublimated on the basis of the high-quality liquor of Moutai.

Kweichow Moutai (Treasure)
The latest Moutai series of Treasure is mainly made of four colors: reddish-red, red, brown and gold. Reddish-red for the spirits, red for the sorghum and reddish-red clay, brown for the special "Chinese" cellar stones and wine altars, and gold for the wheat, which are indispensable and important elements in the brewing of Moutai wine. These are all important elements in the brewing of Moutai wine. The body of Moutai Treasure is light golden yellow, crystal clear, and highly textured, and its most distinctive feature is the perfect fusion of old ripe aromas with fruity, nutty, floral, and curvaceous aromas, with a well-balanced and coordinated structure, which gives Moutai's typical style of elegance, finesse, thickness, and longevity an even more perfect presentation.
15-Year Vintage Moutai Liquor
[Old Brewing Refine Product]
15 years of a bright, glorious and fulfilled life
15 years of aged Moutai, fills you with deep seductive aromas
Fifteen years' storage carefully blending special sauce flavor, mellow ripe liquor, pleasant aftertaste, lasting fragrant flavor in the emptied cup.

30-Year Vintage Moutai Liquor
[Old Brewing Treasure]
A highly spirited and vigorous aging
Three decades of tasks to do
A cup of 30-year aged Moutai
Is the start of bright future
Thirty years storage, carefully blending, special sauce flavor, mellow ripe liquor, pleasant aftertaste, lasting fragrant flavour in the emptied cup.

50-Year Vintage Moutai Liquor
[An elegant and fragrant drink]
A man at the age of 50, enjoys his status, wealth and success
The Moutai Spirit of 50 years enjoys an elegant, mellow and sweet fragrance
Fifty years storage, carefully blending process, special sauce flavor, elegant taste, mellow spirit, pleasant aftertaste, lasting fragrant in the emptied cup.
Astrology Edition
More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek astronomer Hibacus (190-120 BC) divided the zodiac into twelve sections to mark the position of the sun on the ecliptic. From the beginning, every thirty degrees is a house and is named after the main constellations contained in the house at that time, in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Moutai 1992
Food Name: Moutai Alcohol (1992)
Liquor type; soft remote aroma type liquor
Alcohol: 53% vol
Net content: 500 mL
Ingredients: Sorghum, Wheat, Water
Storage conditions: Store in a dry, ventilated, cool, clean environment
Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Technology Dev. Company
Address: Yuye North Road, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province
Place of Origin: Guizhou, Yi Renhuai City

Moutai 2008
Food Name: Moutai Alcohol (2008)
Liquor type; soft remote aroma type liquor
Alcohol: 53% vol
Net content: 500 mL
Ingredients: Sorghum, Wheat, Water
Storage conditions: Store in a dry, ventilated, cool, clean environment
Manufacturer: Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Technology Dev. Company
Address: Yuye North Road, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province
Place of Origin: Guizhou, Yi Renhuai City